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Тексты песен Tammy Wynette

Tammy Wynette - Kiss Away
8 дня назад 495,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Legend Of Bonnie And Clyde
14 часа назад 404,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Let`s All Go Down To The River
10 часа назад 325,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Let`s Build A World Together
13 часа назад 366,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Lets Build a World Together
5 часа назад 473,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Listen Spot
8 дня назад 367,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Lonely Street
1 день назад 363,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Longing To Hold You Again
20 часа назад 411,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Love`s The Answer
3 минуты назад 344,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Lovely Place To Cry
3 минуты назад 346,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Lovin` You Is Worth It
8 дня назад 358,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Loving You Could Never Be Better
8 часа назад 354,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Make Me Your Kind Of Woman
8 дня назад 366,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - Marriage On The Rocks
8 дня назад 387,00 (не задано)
Tammy Wynette - May The Good Lord Bless And Keep You
4 часа назад 458,00 (не задано)

Информация о артисте

Тэмми Винет (англ. Tammy Wynette; имя при рождении: Вирджиния Винет Пью (англ. Virginia Wynette Pugh); 5 мая 1942—6 апреля 1998) — американская исполнительца кантри, её называли «Первая леди кантри».


Детство и юность (1942—62)

Вирджиния Винет Пью родилась недалеко от Тремонта (штат Миссисипи), она была единственным ребёнком в семье Уильяма Холлиса Пью (умер 13 февраля 1943) и Милдред Фэйе Рассел (1922—1991). Её всегда называли Винет или Нетти, а не Вирджиния.

Её отец был фермером и музыкантом-любителем, он умер от опухоли головного мозга, когда Винет было всего 9 месяцев. Её мать совмещала работу на семейной ферме и преподавание в школе. После смерти Холлиса Пью мать оставила Винет на попечении своих родителей Томаса Честера и Флоры А. Рассел, а сама уехала работать на оборонном заводе в Мемфисе. В 1946 мать Винет вышла замуж за Фоя Ли, фермера из Миссисипи.

Винет начала петь на ферме у бабушки в графстве Итавамба (штат Миссисипи), где она родилась. Это место находится на границе с Алабамой, и Винет часто говорила, что граница штата проходит как раз через их ферму. Подростком она работала в поле на уборке хлопка вместе с наёмными рабочими. Она воспитывалась вместе со своей тётей Кэролин Рассел, которая была старше её всего на пять лет. Винет пела церковные песни вместе со своей бабушкой, училась играть на пианино и на гитаре.

Она училась в средней школе Тремонта, блестяще играла в баскетбол. За месяц до окончания школы Винет вышла замуж. Её муж был строителем, поэтому его работа была связана с постоянными переездами. Винет работала официанткой, за стойкой в отеле, барменом, а также на обувной фабрике. В 1963 году она окончила курсы парикмахеров в Тьюпело (штат Миссисипи). Муж, которого она оставила перед рождением третьей дочери, скептически относился к её желанию стать исполнителем песен кантри, он говорил ей: «Очнись, детка!».

Начало музыкальной карьеры (1963—1967)

Когда её ребёнок заболел менингитом, Винет пыталась дополнительно заработать, выступая по вечерам. В 1965 году она спела на передаче «Country Boy Eddie» местной телестудии WBRC-TV в Бирмингеме (штат Алабама). В 1966 году Винет вместе со своими тремя дочерьми переезжает из Бирмингема в Нэшвилл в надежде заключить договор со студией звукозаписи. После прослушивания продюсер «Epic Records» Билли Шеррил подписал с ней контракт.

На вторую встречу с Шеррилом она пришла, забрав в хвост свои длинные светлые волосы. Он сказал ей, что имя Винет Пью не подходит и попросил придумать другое. Он также отметил, что с такой причёской она похожа на Тэмми из фильма «Тэмми и холостяк». Так она стала Тэмми Винет.

Её первая песня, которая стала хитом, — «Apartment #9». В 1967 году становятся популярными «Your Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad», «My Elusive Dreams» (дуэт с Дэвидом Хьюстоном) и «I Don't Want To Play House».

Годы успеха (1968—1975)

В 1968 году три песни Тэмми становятся хитами — «Take Me to Your World», «D-I-V-O-R-C-E» и «Stand By Your Man», которую она написала за 15 минут. В 1969 году к ним добавились «Singing My Song» и «The Ways to Love a Man». В конце 1960-х и начале 1970-х годов песни Винет занимают первые строчки в хит-парадах кантри. Семнадцать её произведений выходят на первое место. Вместе с Лореттой Линн и Долли Партон они заставили переоценить место и роль женщин в исполнении кантри. Винет также была первой женщиной, альбом которой был продан миллионным тиражом — это был её первый сборник лучших произведений («Greatest Hits Collection») в 1969 году.

Вскоре после развода она ненадолго снова вышла замуж. А в 1968 году Тэмми познакомилась с Джорджем Джонсом, который был популярным исполнителем кантри и страдал алкоголизмом. Они поженились на следующий год после того, как Тэмми развелась во второй раз. Начиная с 1971 года они записали вместе с Джонсом несколько популярных альбомов — в первую десятку попал «Take Me». У них был трудный брак, но несмотря на то, что они развелись в 1975 году из-за алкоголизма Джонса, они продолжали время от времени записывать совместные альбомы на протяжении следующих двадцати лет.

В начале 1970-х у Винет начинаются серьёзные проблемы со здоровьем, она переносит операции на жёлчном пузыре, почках и гортани. В середине 1970-х она возвращается с песней «Till I Can Make It On My Own».

Stand By Your Man

Визитной карточкой Винет на протяжении всей её карьеры являлась записанная в 1968 году песня «Stand By Your Man», которая призывает женщин оказывать поддержку своим мужчинам в годы невзгод. Несмотря на нападки феминисток, песню эту исполняли многие известные певицы — Долли Партон, Тина Тёрнер, Dixie Chicks, а также (на альбоме, посвященном памяти Винет) сэр Элтон Джон. Согласно кантри-подразделению канала MTV (Country Music Television), эта песня является самой известной из всех, записанных в стиле кантри.

В мае 1975 года «Stand By Your Man» была выпущена отдельным синглом в Великобритании и возглавила национальный хит-парад. Такой успех кантри-песни является редкостью в стране, весьма далекой от мира кантри-музыки. Среди фильмов, в которых прозвучала эта композиция, — «Пять лёгких пьес» (1970) и «Братья блюз» (1980).

Во время предвыборной кампании Билла Клинтона его супруга Хиллари заявила, что она не похожа на «тех крошечных женщин, которые — подобно Тэмми Винет — подстраховывают своих мужей». Певица восприняла эти слова как оскорбление, и Хиллари была вынуждена принести публичные извинения диве кантри-музыки. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
Tammy Wynette (May 5, 1942 – April 6, 1998) was an American country singer and songwriter. She was known as the "First Lady of Country Music" and one of her best-known songs was "Stand by Your Man," which was one of the biggest selling hit singles by a woman in the history of the music genre. Tammy Wynette was born Virginia Wynette Pugh near Tremont, Mississippi, the only child of William Hollis Pugh (died February 13, 1943) and Mildred Faye Russell (1922–1991). She was always called Wynette (pronounced Win-net), or Nettie, instead of Virginia.

Her father was a farmer and local musician. He died of a brain tumor when Wynette was nine months of age. Her mother worked in an office, as a substitute school teacher, as well as on the family farm. After the death of Hollis Pugh, she left Wynette in the care of her parents, Thomas Chester and Flora A. Russell, and moved to Memphis to work in a World War II defense plant. In 1946, she married Foy Lee, a farmer from Mississippi.

Wynette was raised on the Itawamba County farm of her maternal grandparents where she was born. The place was partly on the border with Alabama. She has often claimed that the state line ran right through their property. she jokingly said "my top half came from Alabama and my bottom half came from Mississippi" As a youngster, she worked in the fields picking cotton alongside the hired crews to get in the crop. She grew up with her aunt, Carolyn Russell, who was only five years older than she was. Wynette sang gospel tunes with her grandmother, learned to play the piano and the guitar.

As a child and teenager, country music provided an escape from her hard life. Wynette grew up idolizing Hank Williams, Skeeter Davis, Patsy Cline, and George Jones and would play their records over and over on the inexpensive children's record player she owned, dreaming of one day being a star herself.

Tammy Wynette's 1969 Greatest Hits collection was the first album by a female country artist to sell over one million copies.

She attended Tremont High School, where she was an all-star basketball player. A month before graduation, she married her first husband. He was a construction worker and they moved several times. Her early jobs included working as a waitress, a receptionist, a barmaid, and in a shoe factory. In 1963, she attended beauty school in Tupelo, Mississippi, and became a hairdresser; she would renew her cosmetology license every year for the rest of her life, just in case she should have to go back to a daily job. Her first husband, whom she left before the birth of their third daughter, was not supportive of her ambition to become a country singer, and, is said by Wynette to have told her, "Dream on, Baby."

Her baby developed spinal meningitis and Wynette tried to make extra money by performing at night. In 1965, Wynette sang on the Country Boy Eddie Show on WBRC-TV in Birmingham, Alabama, which led to some appearances with Porter Wagoner. In 1966, she moved with her three girls from Birmingham to Nashville, Tennessee, where she pounded the pavement to get a recording contract. After being turned down repeadedly by every other record company she'd met with, she auditioned for producer Billy Sherrill, who signed her to Epic Records.

Once signed to Epic, Sherrill suggested she consider changing her name to something that might make more of impression with the public. According to her 1979 memoir, "Stand by Your Man," during their meeting, Wynette was wearing her long, blonde hair in a ponytail, and Sherill noted that she put him in mind of Debbie Reynolds in the film "Tammy and the Bachelor," and suggested "Tammy" as a possible name; thus she became Tammy Wynette.

Her first single, "Apartment #9" (written by Johnny Paycheck), was released in late 1966, and reached the top forty on the U.S. country charts. In 1967 she had hits with "Your Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad," "My Elusive Dreams" (a duet with David Houston), and "I Don't Wanna Play House," all of which reached the country top ten.

Wynette had three number one hits in 1968: "Take Me to Your World," "D-I-V-O-R-C-E," and her best known song, "Stand by Your Man" (which she said she wrote in fifteen minutes). In 1969, she had two additional number one hits: "Singing My Song" and "The Ways to Love a Man." That same year, Wynette earned a Gold record (awarded for albums selling in excess of one million copies) for "Tammy Wynette's Greatest Hits." She was the first female country artist to do so.

Director Bob Rafelson used a number of her songs in the soundtrack of his 1970 film Five Easy Pieces. Her chart success continued into the 1970s with such hits as "Good Lovin' (Makes it Right)" (1971), "He Loves Me All the Way" (1971), "Bedtime Story" (1972), "Kids Say the Darndest Things" (1973), "Woman to Woman" (1974), "You and Me" (1976), "'Til I can Make it on My Own" (1976), and "Womanhood" (1978).

She married her second husband shortly after her first divorce became final. While still married to him, however, she began a relationship with George Jones, a legendary country performer who was known to have a problem with alcoholism. (They first became involved somewhere around 1968.) Eventually Wynette parted with her second husband and married Jones in Ringgold, Georgia, with whom she had a daughter, Georgette (born in 1970.) It was a difficult marriage, however, due largely to Jones' drinking, and they were divorced in 1975; During their years together, they recorded a number of duet albums, starting in 1971, the first being the Top-10 hit "Take Me" (...to your darkest room, bolt every window and lock every door). They would continue to record together, even after their divorce, through the mid 1990s.

Aside from her music, Wynette's private life was as tumultuous as many of her songs. Over the course of her life, she had had five husbands: Euple Byrd (married 1959–divorced 1966); Don Chapel (married 1967–annulled 1968); George Jones (married 1969–divorced 1975); Michael Tomlin (married 1976–annulled 1976); and George Richey (married 1978–her death 1998).

She and Byrd had three children, Gwendolyn Lee ("Gwen") Byrd (born 1961), Jacquelyn Faye ("Jackie") Byrd (born 1962) and Tina Denise Byrd (born 1965), and she and Jones had one child, Tamala Georgette Jones (born 1970).

Tammy had a well publicized relationship with actor Burt Reynolds in the 1970s. Her fourth marriage, to Michael Tomlin, lasted only six weeks. She then married George Richey, who became her manager and lasting love of her life. In 1978, she was mysteriously abducted by a masked man at a Nashville shopping center, driven 80 miles south in her luxury car, beaten and released. No one was ever arrested or identified. But it is has been suspected for many years by Tammy herself, that George Jones had one of his men do that.

She also had a number of serious physical ailments beginning in the 1970s, including operations on her gall bladder, kidney and on the nodules on her throat.

During the late 1960s and early 1970s, Wynette dominated the country charts. She had seventeen number one hits. Along with Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton, she helped redefine the role and place of female country singers. Beginning in the early 1980s, however, her chart success began to wane. While her singles and albums continued to reach the country top forty, they occurred with less frequency than the previous decade. Meanwhile, her medical problems continued, including inflammations of her bile duct. In 1986, she acted on the CBS TV soap opera Capitol. In 1988, she filed for bankruptcy as a result of a bad investment in two Florida shopping centers. Her 1987 album "Higher Ground" broke through with a new contemporary sound, broadening her audience..

She recorded a song with the British electronica group The KLF in late 1991 titled "Justified and Ancient (Stand by the JAMs)," which became a number one hit in eighteen countries the following year. In the video, scrolling electronic titles said that "Miss Tammy Wynette is the first lady of country music." Wynette appeared in the video seated on a throne. Although some saw the inclusion of Wynette as a novel ploy for attention[citation needed] to the song - The KLF were well known for scams and stunts - her inclusion was a mark of respect from The KLF and not an after-thought or marketing ploy.[citation needed] Wynette's vocal performance was exceptional and the song was probably one of the better dance songs of the early 1990s in terms of melodic construction and performance.[citation needed]

In 1992, future First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton said during a 60 Minutes interview that she wasn't "some little woman, standing by my man, like Tammy Wynette." The remark set off a firestorm of controversy and Wynette demanded, and received, an apology from Clinton. (Hillary Clinton's remark aside, Wynette was nonetheless a Clinton supporter, and later performed at a Clinton fundraiser.)

The 1993 album Honky Tonk Angels gave her a chance to record with Dolly Parton and Loretta Lynn for the first time; though yielding no hit singles, the album did well on the country charts. The following year, she released Without Walls, a collection of duets with a number of country, pop and rock and roll performers, including Wynonna Judd, Elton John, Lyle Lovett, Aaron Neville, Smokey Robinson, Sting and a number of others.

Wynette also designed and sold her own line of jewelry in the 1990s. In 1994, she suffered an abdominal infection that almost killed her. She was in a coma for six days. In 1995, she and George Jones recorded their first new duet album in thirteen years. They last performed together in 1997 at Concerts in the Country Lanierland, Georgia

Wynette lent her vocals on the UK #1 hit Perfect Day in 1997, which was written by Lou Reed.

After years of medical problems, numerous hospitalizations, approximately twenty-six major surgeries and an addiction to large doses of pain medication, Tammy Wynette died at age fifty-five while sleeping on the couch in her living room in Nashville, Tennessee. The coroner declared that she died of natural causes. She is interred in Woodlawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Nashville.

In 2002, she was ranked #2 on CMT's 40 Greatest Women in Country Music behind one of her childhood idols, Patsy Cline.

In 2003 a survey of country music writers, producers and stars listed Stand by Your Man as the top country song of all time. Country Music Television broadcast a special for the top 100 songs, with the #1 song performed by Martina McBride.

Judson Baptist Church, who neighbors Wynette's house, purchased the house, which belonged to Hank Williams before he died, and the land for a little over a million dollars. The Wynette house is used as a Youth Center as well as a guest house.

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