Текст песни Cephalectomy - Shroud Of Mysticism
Cephalectomy - Shroud Of Mysticism слова песни
I call to the Gods DivineBeckon from the ancient realmsFathered by the sacred eldersAbandoned to Ungodly plainTaught and raised by mortal handI`ve come to learn the waysHave i spawned from the heavensOr the gates of HellI`ve journeyed to the end of timeI`ve journeyed to the end of lightBefore me now i seeThe gateway to the GodsCome to me my fathersAnd see your bastard sonCold and Darkness surround meFrom within comes a lightA figure emergesMy father surrounded by nightConceived in darknessTransflamed by fathersSon from the sunPazuzu`s sacred oneThe blood of demonsCourses through my veinsA power strong and trueAAAAaaaaaaahhh.......From within the mystic shroudUprises the unholy liegeTraverse the unholy plainUnforgiven by holy YahwehGodless and surrealUndefine the scared vacinitySubdue the human raceThe light will fall and recedeLechery i howlAnoint meDevilry i howlAppoint meLechery i howlConfine meAAAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhh!Time, has becomeWhat i seeI become Spirit of the sunCall to theeIncant meRace of menCall to theeSpirit of the burning diskSpirit of eternal nightSpirit of the rendering of the veilsBurning in the fire of nightLet darkness fallSpirit hearken forthRace of MenBarra Homme!Spirit of the burning diskSpirit of eternal nightSpirit of the rendering of the veilsBurning in the fire of nightLook upon the queen of gravesArmed with the rays of flameShammash uncalled Kia hearthThe dark waters stir and deceaseIn the darkness unseen monstersSpirit of the fire rememberShammash, lord of the fiery diskRace of man, Banna by UggaeHear me sacred fatherI`ve done your unholy deedDestroyed the realm of KiaNow i claim my divine positionI assail you father, torn to shredPlace your head upon my throneI now command the unholy liegeClaiming the thrown to infinity