Текст песни Clannad - Bunan Bui
Clannad - Bunan Bui слова песни
A BhuinneГЎn BhuГ is Г© mo chrГЎ do luГIs do chnГЎmha sГnte ar leaca lom`Is nach dtearn tГє dГth no dolaidh sa tГrIs narbh fhearr leat fГon nГі uisce poill.DГЎ gcuirfeГЎ scГ©ala fГЎ mo dhГ©inGo raibh tГє i ngГ©ibhinn nГі i ndeacair iot`Г“ bhainfinnse bГ©im ar Loch Mhic an Г‰inA fhliuchfadh do bhГ©al is do bhrollach sГos.NГ hiad bhur n-Г©anlaith atГЎ mГ© ag Г©agaoinAn chuach, an traona nГЎ an chorr-bhreacAch an BuinneГЎn BuГ, a bhГ lГЎn de chroГIs gur cosГєil liom fГ©in Г© i snua is i ndreach.BhГodh sГ© ag sГorГіl na dГIs deir daoine go mbГm ar an nГіs sin sealIs nГl braon dГЎ bhfuighinn nach ligfinn sГosAr fhaitГos go bhfuighinn fГ©in bГЎs den tart!Is Г© `d`iarr mo stГіr orm ligint den ГіlNГі nach mbeinnse beo ach seal beag gearr:Is Г© dГєirt mГ© lГ©i gur chan sГ an bhrГ©agNГі go mb`fhaide do mo shaol an braon seo a fhГЎil.Nach bhfeiceann tГє Г©an an phГobГЎin rГ©idhGo dteachaidh sГ in Г©ag den tart ar ball?Is a dhaoine clГ©ibh, fliuchaigГ bhur mbГ©alNГі nГ bhfuighidh sibh braon i ndiaidh bhur mbГЎis! Oh Yellow Bittern, alas to see you stretchedAnd your bones there lying on bare flagstonesYou did no harm at all in the countryAnd would just as prefer ditch water to wineHad you only sent me a messageThat you were in a quandry, in need of a drinkI would have broken the ice on the lakeTo wet your beak and all the way down to your breast.I`m not lamenting your ordinary birdsThe cuckoo, the corncrake or the dappled heronBut the yellow bittern of the great heartWho was just like me in many waysHe was always fond of the supAnd people say I`m fond of a drop myselfWhatever drink comes my way, it`s down it goesFor fear that I might one day die of thirst!And my darling asked me to give up the boozeOr I`d only be alive a short while more,I told her straight out she was telling a lieAnd that the drink extended my life`s span.Don`t you see that bird with the smooth neckThat only a while ago perished with the thirst?Ah, my pleasant people, wet your whistlesBecause after death ye won`t get a drop!