Текст песни DARKSIDE - PreludeMelancholia
DARKSIDE - PreludeMelancholia слова песни
Текст песни DARKSIDE - PreludeMelancholia
...open your ears, close your eyes, tell me what you see...when the dead paint with white handsa laughing silence on the wallthe sleeper whispers stillunfold nymphic hands( )mother silent sings goodnightpeacefully the child smileswith so true eyesin the brothel laughter dwellspoison running through my veinsmy fever glowing eyesdeath's hand reaching out for mesenseless criesheartbeats like distant thunderfeelings darker than blackat fallow light in cellarsSighs life deniedForest laying in decayShadows surround him like hedgesMeanwhile the river silent shiversThe deer comes out of their hiding placesInto the darkness of deathDecaying lips sucking red breastsDark plan seems without measuresVillage scattered marsh and poundSomething seems to be a fireA golden gloom on the streetBlue shades oh dark eyes