Текст песни They Might Be Giants - No One Knows My Plan
They Might Be Giants - No One Knows My Plan слова песни
In my prison cell I think these wordsI was carelessI can see that nowI must be silentMust contain my secret smileI want to tell youYou my mirrorYou my iron barsWhen I made a shadow on my window shadeThey called the police and testifiedBut they`re like the people chained up in a caveIn the allegory of the people in the caveBy the Greek guyNoe one understandsNo one knows my planWhy the dancing, shoutingWhy the shrieks of painThe lovely musicWhy the smell of burning autumn leavesIn my prison cell I bide my timeAlways thinkingAlways busy cooking up an angleWorking on the tiny blueprint of the angleSketching out the burning autumn leavesNo one understandsNo one knows my planI must be silent, must contain my secret smileI want to tell youYou my mirrorYou my iron barsNo one understandsNo one knows my plan------------------------------------------------------------------------------