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Тексты песен Nickelback

Nickelback - How You Remind Me
19 минуты назад 1,359,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Leader Of Men
2 дня назад 1,426,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Money Bought
14 часа назад 1,239,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Woke Up This Morning
1 день назад 1,240,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Too Bad
17 часа назад 1,398,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Never Again
10 часа назад 1,004,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Hollywood
1 день назад 892,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Just For
15 дня назад 943,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Curb
4 часа назад 1,499,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Detangler
3 часа назад 1,011,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Falls Back On
1 день назад 923,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Fly
15 часа назад 1,060,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - I Don`t Have
1 день назад 1,051,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Just Four
11 дня назад 963,00 (не задано)
Nickelback - Left
2 дня назад 1,060,00 (не задано)

Информация о артисте

Группа Nickelback появилась в 1996 году в небольшом канадском городке Ханна. Она была сформирована братьями Чадом (вокал, гитара) и Майком (бас) Крюгер, их кузеном Брэндоном (барабаны) и Райаном Пике (гитара). Однако Брэндон Крюгер вскоре покинул группу. Музыкантам пришлось искать ему замену. Прежде чем был найден Райан Викдэйл, в группе сменилось шесть барабанщиков.

Довольно долго музыканты не могли придумать подходящее название и перебрали несколько вариантов. Прежде чем стать Nickelback канадский квартет именовался Brick, еще ранее - Village Idiot, ну а самое первое название коллектива - Point of View. Собственно "nickelback" в буквальном переводе означает "сдача". Это слово появилось в жизни группы в то время, когда Майк Крюгер работал официантом в кафе. Сдача с чашки кофе обычно составляла 5 центов (на слэнге - "Nickel"). При расчете с клиентом, Майк все время повторял одну и ту же фразу: "Here's your nickel back" (в переводе - "Вот ваша сдача"). В конце концов, музыканты решили отказаться от мудрёных названий, облюбовав более простое и привычное "nickelback".

Со своим музыкальным стилем группа так же определилась не сразу. Сначала музыканты лишь исполняли кавер версии других коллективов. Но они были не очень удачны. Кроме того, группе давно уже хотелось добиться настоящей известности. Однако для этого необходимо было записать что-то свое. Такая идея пришла в голову Чаду Крюгеру, правда, финансировать проект пришлось его родителям. Для того чтобы сын смог оплатить услуги студии звукозаписи в Ванкувере, им пришлось выложить 4000$. Это был первый шаг.

В том же 1996 году ребята записали свой первый демо-альбом "Hesher", с которым дали серию концертов в Канаде. В него вошло не так уж много песен, зато наконец-то было покончено с надоевшими всем каверами. Раскруткой проекта занимался Чад Крюгер. В этом ему помог опыт, приобретенный во время работы в рекламном отделе спортивного журнала. Схема была довольно проста: по просьбе Чада его друзья звонили на местные радиостанции и заказывали песни Nickelback. Этим группа добилась нужного результата, однако ей нетерпелось поскорее выйти на более высокий уровень. Но недостаток денежных средств и обман со стороны собственных менеджеров не давали группе развернуться.

В 1998 году было сделано несколько важных шагов. Во-первых, группа решила самостоятельно заниматься рекламной и организаторской деятельностью. Во-вторых, музыканты перебрались в Ванкувер, где выступали в клубах, причем довольно успешно. Это позволило собрать сумму, необходимую для выпуска нового альбома. Кроме того, коллективу удалось обратить на себя внимание и получить поддержку таких людей как Дэйл Пеннер (продюссер Matthew Good Band) и Гарт Ричардсон (звукоинженер Rage Against The Machine).

Уже в 1999 Nickelback ограниченным тиражом выпускает свой новый альбом "Curb". Сам альбом не был успешным, но нельзя не отметить успех сингла "Leader Of Men". Этот сингл вошел в альбом "The State", вышедший в 2000 году полумиллионным тиражом. Это был настоящий успех! Песни Nickelback звучали на всех радиостанциях Канады. С альбомом "The State" музыканты отыграли сотни концертов, выступая с такими группами как Creed, Fuel и 3 Doors Down. Группу буквально осаждали продюсеры, стараясь изо всех сил заполучить контракт.

В конечном итоге Nickelback отдали свое предпочтение лейблу "Roadrunner Records" (США), отвергнув при этом предложения "Island" (США) и "EMI" (Канада). Свой следующий альбом Nickelback записывает 11 сентября 2001 года. В новом альбоме ребята немного отошли от расплывчатых образов и философских изысканий, привнеся в свои тексты более четкие и реальные сюжеты. Темами нескольких песен стали неприятные моменты из жизни братьев Крюгер, а именно уход из семьи их отца. Вышедший "Silver Side Up" побил успех предыдущего альбома, и всего за 4 месяца в 6 раз превысил его тираж. Этот альбом стал золотым, платиновым и мультиплатиновым. "Silver Side Up" позволил группе пробиться в американский эфир и завоевать любовь поклонников синглом "How You Remind Me". Успех превзошёл все ожидания. Сингл "How You Remind Me" не только прочно закрепился на американских радиостанциях, но и возглавил хит-парады шести из них. Кроме того, "How You Remind Me" установил рекорд по выходу в эфир, за неделю прозвучав на волнах радиостанций более 3000 раз. Группа так же привлекла к себе внимание радиостанций Германии, Великобритании, Голландии, Австралии и других стран.

Для канадской группы это впечатляющий результат. Но, говоря об успехе альбома, нельзя не упомянуть Рэнди Стаубе, который занимался микшированием. Он известен своим сотрудничеством с такими группами как Metallica и U2. Помощь группе так же оказал продюсер Рик Парашер, занимавшийся раскруткой Pearl Jam и Temple of the Dog. Участие этих людей во многом способствовало выходу группы на новый качественный уровень, который и стал залогом мирового признания. Очередной альбом вышел в 2003 году. Несмотря на то, что к его записи не были привлечены специалисты со стороны, Nickelback лишь своими силами смогли добиться качественного во всех отношениях звука. Группа стала более профессионально и серьезно относиться к записи своих треков.

Альбом "The Long Road" записан в том же мелодично-агрессивном стиле. Он даже ещё более откровенный, нежели "Silver Side Up". Музыканты по праву гордятся этим альбомом и считают, что их творчество эволюционирует в нужном направлении, сближая их с чувствами слушателей. Так же поклонников Nickelback порадовало то, что с альбомом "The Long Road" группа дала гораздо больше концертов. Этот альбом стал еще одним достижением, добавив группе ещё большей известности в мировом масштабе. В 2005 году произошли небольшие изменения в составе. С дистанции сошел барабанщик Райан Викдэйл, которого заменил бывший участник группы 3 Doors Down Дэниель Адаир. В том же году, уже обновлённым составом, Nickelback записывает альбом под названием "All The Right Reasons", который также стал успешным и разошёлся большим тиражом. Многие слушатели называют его апогеем развития творчества группы. Последний на данный момент альбом группы - "Dark Horse" вышел 18 ноября 2008 года и получил весьма противоречивые отзывы. Тем не менее история продолжается.

1996 - Hesher
1996 - Curb
1999 - The State
2001 - Silver Side Up
2003 - The Long Road
2005 - All The Right Reasons
2008 - Dark Horse
2011 - Here and Now

http://www.nickelback.net.ru Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
Nickelback is a rock band which formed in Hanna, Alberta, Canada in 1995. Nickelback is one of the most commercially successful Canadian groups, having sold 30 million records worldwide. Nickelback ranks as the 11th best selling music act of the 2000s, and places as the 2nd best selling foreign act in the US behind The Beatles for the 2000s.

The band consists of Chad Kroeger (vocals, guitar), Ryan Peake (guitar, vocals), Mike Kroeger (bass) and Daniel Adair (drums). The band's original drummer, Brandon Kroeger, left the group in 1997, and was replaced first by Mitch Guidon from 1997 to 1998 and then Ryan Vikedal from 1998 to 2005. The band has released seven albums: "Curb" (1996), "The State" (1998), "Silver Side Up" (2001), "The Long Road" (2003), "All the Right Reasons", "Dark Horse" (2008) and "Here and Now" (2011).

The band is now based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Its name originates from the nickel in change that band member Mike Kroeger gave customers at his Starbucks job, he would frequently say, "Here's your nickel back".

The band is signed to EMI in Canada and Roadrunner Records for the rest of the world. In July 2008, the band signed with Live Nation for three touring and album cycles, with an option for a fourth cycle. The contract includes recordings, touring, merchandise and other rights.

Early years: 1995–2000

The band was formed in the early 1990s as a cover band called the "Village Idiots" by Chad Kroeger, Ryan Peake, Mike Kroeger, and Brandon Kroeger. The band performed covers of songs from Led Zeppelin and Metallica. Nickelback's first release was a seven-track EP called Hesher in 1996. In the same year, Nickelback recorded their first full-length album Curb. "Fly" was released on Hesher and Curb and was the first single produced by Nickelback. It did not chart and was only played on local radio stations.

The following album The State was recorded in 1998 and was released as an independent record the same year. Nickelback signed a record deal with EMI and Roadrunner Records. The State was then re-released in 2000 by EMI and Roadrunner Records. Two singles from the album, "Leader of Men" and "Breathe" were fairly successful and resulted in the album being certificated gold in Canada and the United States. It was certified Platinum in 2008.

Mainstream success: 2001–2007

In 2001, Nickelback released the Silver Side Up album, which propelled them into the mainstream. The single "How You Remind Me" was a huge success, peaking at #1 on both the American and Canadian charts at the same time. In the U.S., it was a #1 single on the Mainstream and Modern rock charts, as well as the pop chart. It also peaked at #2 on Adult Top 40. "How You Remind Me" became the Billboard Hot 100 #1 single of the year for 2002. The next single was "Too Bad", which also hit #1 on the Mainstream Rock Chart and had a small amount of success on the pop chart. The final single from the album was "Never Again", another #1 hit on Mainstream Rock.

In 2002, Chad Kroeger collaborated with Josey Scott and Gaige Corvo who played the lead guitar on the Spider-Man theme song, "Hero." This also featured Tyler Connolly, Mike Kroeger, Matt Cameron, and Jeremy Taggart.

In 2003, Nickelback released The Long Road. The lead single was "Someday" and the album went on to sell five million copies worldwide. The band also released "Feelin' Way Too Damn Good" as a single, which peaked at #3 on the Mainstream Rock Charts. "Figured You Out" was also released as a single and topped the Mainstream Rock Charts for 13 consecutive weeks.

Nickelback's fifth studio album, All the Right Reasons, produced five U.S. Hot 100 top 20 singles: "Photograph", "Savin' Me", "Far Away", "If Everyone Cared", "Rockstar". Three of these became U.S. Hot 100 top 10 singles. All the Right Reasons has sold 7,163,130 copies in the US as of June 13, 2009. In total, All the Right Reasons has sold abut 11 million copies worldwide since its 2005 release. Aside from all the success of All the Right Reasons, lead singer Kroeger began his own label named 604 Records in 2005 and holds the position of executive producer.

Dark Horse 2008-2010

After taking much of 2007 off, the band started recording a new album in earnest. In July 2008, the band signed with Live Nation for three touring and album cycles, with an option for a fourth.

On September 4, 2008 Roadrunner Records announced that the first single from their upcoming album was originally going to be "If Today Was Your Last Day" and was to be released September 30, 2008. However, the song was scrapped as the first single, and "Gotta Be Somebody" was the lead single instead. The new album, titled Dark Horse, was released on November 18, 2008. The album was produced by Mutt Lange. Something in Your Mouth was released as the second single to rock radio only on December 15, where it reached #1. "If Today Was Your Last Day" was released as the second major single instead. Two more singles have been released,"I'd Come for You" and "Burn It to the Ground".

The album also remained in the top 20 on the Billboard 200 for weeks after its release. The album was certified two times platinum in April 2009, and had by April 2010 sold over 3 million copies in the U.S. However, critical reception of the album has been mostly mixed to negative. In 2009, the band won three Juno Awards for Juno Fan Choice Award, group of the year, and album of the year; the band performed their single "Something In Your Mouth" at the ceremony. In 2010, Billboard year end charts listed Dark Horse as the top-selling rock and metal album of the year. The band was also listed at the top selling hard rock artist. On January 29, 2010 they released a Tap-Tap rhythm game for on the App Store, contrary to the band's prior comments against other music related video games such as Guitar Hero. On February 28, 2010, Nickelback gave a performance at the beginning of the concert portion of the 2010 Winter Olympics closing ceremony, performing "Burn It to the Ground". On October 2010 Nickelback finished their Dark Horse Tour.

Here and Now 2011-present
Chad Kroeger said in an interview with Billboard.com in September 2010 that songwriting for the next Nickelback album was planned to commence as early as February 2011 with "about four tunes" already in mind. Adair mentioned that the band wanted to go back to the musical style of All The Right Reasons, which he described as "more organic."

Nickelback announced their new album, Here and Now, on September 8, 2011, along with its two lead singles, "Bottoms Up" and "When We Stand Together". Kroeger said “We’re four people who love making music, the way we like to make it. We entered the studio this year with a vision, and it all came together. We’re extremely happy with the results, and can’t wait to share them with our fans.” The album was released on November 21, 2011, with the band calling it "Nickelblack Monday", a play on Nickelback and Black Monday. Two singles were released to radio stations on September 26, and September 27 for purchase on iTunes.

Here and Now peaked at number two on the Billboard 200, selling 226,714 copies in its first week of release, with Christmas by Michael Bublé taking number one by a margin of only 419 copies

According to an interview with Chad Kroeger, the band planned to release a greatest hits album in 2013 and a new album in 2014. The band officially announced the compilation album The Best of Nickelback Volume 1 through social media on October 3, 2013. Frontman Chad Kroeger had previously stated in an interview that the greatest hits album was to feature songs from previous albums along with new songs but the unveiled track listing ultimately contained only previously released material.


In various points in their career, Nickelback has received widespread negative reviews from various sources. Review aggregator Metacritic reports the three of their most recent studio albums since becoming a mainstream act, The Long Road, All the Right Reasons and Dark Horse, to have scores of 62%, 41% and 49% respectively.

They have at times, been ridiculed for their lack of originality. In 2001, Rolling Stone criticised the band's musical style, saying, "if you're looking for originality, you might want a full refund instead of a Nickelback." Rolling Stone also said their 2003 release, The Long Road, was "Brazenly consistent, if unimaginative." Whilst Allmusic also stated, "Nickelback can now afford a little more time in the studio and a little more time to indulge themselves, and they turn out the same record, only slicker, which only highlights just how oppressively and needlessly sullen this group is."

In 2005, Rolling Stone said "All the Right Reasons is so depressing, you're almost glad Kurt's not around to hear it." Tiny Mix Tapes also expressed concern over the release; "Like all Nickelback releases before it, All The Right Reasons was made for all the wrong ones and follows all the formulas and clichés you should be bored to death of by now." Stephen Thomas Erlewin of Allmusic reviewed Dark Horse, claiming that "Nickelback are a gnarled, vulgar band reveling in their ignorance of the very notion of taste, lacking either the smarts or savvy to wallow in bad taste so they just get ugly, knocking out knuckle-dragging riffs that seem rarefied in comparison to their thick, boneheaded words."

Despite a barrage from critics, Nickelback has still managed to please various sources with each of their mainstream albums. Allmusic reviewer Liana Jones complimented Nickelback after their commercial breakthrough, Silver Side Up; "what gives the group an upper hand over its peers is intensity and raw passion... Nickelback ups the ante by offering realistic storytelling that listeners can relate to." Following their 2008 album, Dark Horse, ChartAttack credited the band's success to knowing their target audience, "Chad Kroeger is a genius because he knows exactly what people want and precisely how far he can go. He turned out an extremely racy album that's loaded with songs about gettin' drunk and doin' it all without breaking any taboos, and with enough love and moral authority to grease its passage into the mainstream. Rejoice, North America. This is your world." Billboard also praised the band; "The bulletproof Nickelback provides affordable fun that promises good returns in hard times."

In 2007, USA Today reported that "few bands inspire such intense hatred as Nickelback." The article questioned whether Nickelback's commercial success made "critics wrong", and published multiple statements from various sources within the music industry. Nathan Brackett, a senior editor at Rolling Stone said, "There are some bands that, let's face it, are critic-proof". Both Brackett and Craig Marks, editor in chief of Blender, credit a lot of the band's success to young people who are introduced to them on the radio and "very casual music fans who don't buy a lot of CDs". Marks complimented Nickelback's popularity despite the critical response, saying "it is a tribute to their success."

List of Nickelback band members

Current members
* Chad Kroeger – lead vocals, lead guitar (1995–present)
* Ryan Peake – rhythm guitar, keyboards, backing vocals (1995–present)
* Mike Kroeger – bass guitar, backing vocals (1995–present)
* Daniel Adair – drums, backing vocals (2005–present)

Former members
* Brandon Kroeger – drums (1995–1997)
* Mitch Guindon – drums (1997–1998)
* Ryan Vikedal – drums (1998–2005)

Chad Kroeger is married to Avril Lavigne Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.