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Тексты песен Nostradameus

Nostradameus - 1986
4 дня назад 309,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - Black Fate
17 часа назад 351,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - Brothers In Chains
4 дня назад 338,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - Evil Prophecies
4 дня назад 512,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - Far Too Strong
4 дня назад 326,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - Gathering Resistance
4 дня назад 271,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - HMS Ulysses
4 дня назад 281,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - Hymn To Theese Lands
4 дня назад 262,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - If We Believe (In Our Dreams)
4 дня назад 271,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - In Harmony
4 дня назад 278,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - In Prison
4 дня назад 269,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - Murder
4 дня назад 279,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - Nightmare Prophecy
4 дня назад 267,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - Out Of This World
4 дня назад 249,00 (не задано)
Nostradameus - The Power`s In Your Hand
4 дня назад 271,00 (не задано)

Информация о артисте

История этого шведского коллектива, исполняющего мелодичный спид-метал, началась 12 мая 1998 года, когда Фредди и Джейк сидели в машине и слушали музыку типа "Helloween", "Iron maiden" и "Judas priest". Именно тогда им и пришла в голову идея организовать свою команду. К тому времени Джейк уже играл с дэт-метал группой "Vapid", в которой был очень талантливый барабанщик Густав. Джейк и Фредди упросили его присоединиться к новому коллективу. Оставалось найти еще одного гитариста. Им стал еще один знакомый, Эрик, кстати, тоже участник "Vapid". С басистом было тяжелее, поэтому пришлось Фредди взять эти обязанности на себя. Раньше он играл только на гитаре, но после нескольких репетиций освоил и басуху. Вскоре "Nostradameus" приняли участие в двух рок-акциях, проходивших у них в городе, на одной из которых их заприметил Магнус Лундбок, глава лейбла "Gain productions".

Магнус поинтересовался, есть ли у группы какое-нибудь демо, и, получив от удивленных парней отрицательный ответ, предложил им поработать в его студии. В результате в декабре 1998 года уже была готова первая пленка, которую музыканты разослали пяти немецким звукозаписывающим фирмам.

Через пару недель пришел положительный ответ от "AFM records", с которой и был заключен контракт в апреле 1999 года. В течение весны и лета 1999-го группа была занята написанием и подготовкой материала для своего первого альбома. А уже в ноябре "Nostradameus" приступили к студийной работе. Сведение записи решено было делать в хельсинской "Finnvox studio". Результат, "Words Of Nostradameus", получился просто потрясающим. Но к тому времени Густав и Эрик решили покинуть группу, решив, что она отнимает у них слишком много времени. Поэтому не очень-то и расстроенные Фредди и Джейк принялись искать новых членов. Первым, с кем они вошли в контакт, стал Майкл Эберг, очень талантливый гитарист, игравший в группе под названием "M.M.M.".

Заручившись его согласием присоединиться к "Nostradameus", парни продолжили поиски ударника. Вскоре после этого Джейку попалось на глаза объявление, что барабанщик желает поучаствовать в каком-либо хард-роковом или металлическом проекте. Этим парнем оказался Джесси, с восторгом принявший предложение друзей.

Вскоре команда начала работу над новым материалом. К осени 2000-го новички были приняты в "Nostradameus" на постоянной основе. Тогда же было принято решение принять в группу басиста. В студии Фредди, конечно, мог совмещать обязанности вокалиста и басиста, но на концертах это ему тяжело давалось. Тогда Джесси пришла в голову идея пригласить в команду своего давнего друга Томаса, который уже играл на басу в разных группах. После первого же концерта с группой Томас тоже стал ее постоянным членом. Впятером парни приступили к дальнейшей работе над вторым альбомом, "The prophet of evil". Диск появился на прилавках в августе 2001 года и получил очень хорошие обзоры в прессе. "Nostradameus" собрались было в европейское турне, но тут из команды свалил Джесси. На сей раз группу выручил Томас, пригласивший своего друга Эско Салова.

В обновленном составе коллектив отправился на гастроли, прошедшие с большим успехом. Но музыканты на этом не успокоились, а снова засели в студии для записи следующего альбома.

Официальный сайт группы: http://www.nostradameus.com Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
It all started on the 12 of May 1998, when Freddy and Jake were sitting in a car on their way to Motala to watch the Gamma Ray/ Iron Saviour gig that was going to take place later on that evening. From the carstereo you could hear classics such as old Helloween, Maiden, Priest and many others. The guys both thought that it was a bad thing that there were so few bands theese days playing this kind of melodic speed/heavy metal from the 80´s so they started to talk about forming a band just like this. At this time they were just ideas and thoughts but later that year, after attending the WOA, the guys got more serious with the ideas.

At this time, Jake was playing with a death-metal band called "Vapid" who had an incredibly talented drummer called Gustav. Since Jake and Freddy already knew him, and also knew that he would do a great job behind the drums, Gustav was asked to be the drummer of the band. Even though it wasn´t really his bag, he accepted since he thought it would be a fun thing to do.Another guitarist was also necessary so another friend called Erik,(also a member of "Vapid" ) was asked to be a part of the band. He also accepted.The guys were also searching for a bassist but they couldn´t find any so the only solution was for Freddy to take the bass as well. He had never played this instrument before, only the guitar, but after a few rehersals, this turned out quite well anyway.

From the beginning, the idea was for Nostradameus to play just for fun, and was only going to participate in two rock-competitions in their home town. But in one of theese competitions, there was a man in the jury called Magnus Lundbäck, who immediately fell in love with the music of Nostradameus. He also was the chief of a label called Gain productions, and when the gig was over, he asked the very surprised guys if they had a demo. Since they didn't, he offered them to use his studio to record one, and after a few weeks of songwriting and other preparations ( Nostradameus only had one original song at this time ), they entered the studio on the 5-6 of December -98. The result was a real killer and the guys were really satisfied with it so on the 7th, the demo was sent away, but only to five labels, all german. The answer came two weeks later, from AFM-records who offered a contract at once and after some discussion, Nostradameus decided to sign with the label and did so in April -99.

During the spring and summer -99, the band was busy with writing and preparing new songs for the forthcoming album and in November -99, Nostradameus entered the studio again to record what was going to be the "Words of Nostradameus" album. The result of this recording turned out to be so good that the label decided to use the Finnvox studio in Helsinki to do the final mix of the album. This was, once again, a dream coming true to the band and even though they had to wait for about five months for a time in Finnvox ( it´s very hard to get a time with Mikko Karmila in this studio ) they decided that it was absolutely worth it. And it really was! The final product became so much better than the guys ever would have dreamed of.

Unfortunately, at this point of time, another problem had come up. Both Gustav and Erik had deciced to leave the band. They felt that it took too much time. Well, there was not so much to say about it. After all the band was just supposed to be "a fun thing" from the beginning and was now on its way to become something much bigger than that. So, without any hard feelings, Freddy and Jake started to search for some new members during the summer 2000. The first one they got in contact with was Michael Åberg. A very talented guitarist who played together with Magnus Rosén (Hammerfall) and Michael von Knorring (ex. Yngwie Malmsteen) in a cover band called M.M.M. Freddy just happened to be to be at the pub where they were playing one night and asked Michael if he´d like to try as the guitarist of Nostradameus once they had a new drummer. He said yes an the guys decided to stay in touch. Shortly after, Jake saw a note on the wall in a musicstore in Gothenburg about a hardrock/metal drummer who was looking for a band. So he wrote down the number and later on that evening, after having shared a couple of beers with Freddy, they decided to call this guy, Jesse. He seemed very enthusiastic and a few weeks later, the four guys started to reherse on the material. It turned out quite OK and since they both fitted so good as persons in the band, Jake and Freddy decided to take them in as permanent members in the autumn 2000. At this point of time it was decided that they had to get a bassist in the band also. It was no problem for Freddy to do both the bass and the vocals in the studio but it never was such a good idea when playing live shows. Jesse then came with the idea to contact an old friend of his, Thomas, who had a lot of experience from other bands where he´d played the bass. So they tried him and after the first gig with the new line-up, on November 15, Thomas was also a permanent member of the band.

In January -01 the band, now consisting of 5 members, started to concentrate on some new material for an upcoming second release. All the materiel was already written since Freddy and Jake have had plenty of time during the spring and summer -00 while the band didn´t have any more members. So the recording of the second cd, "The prophet of evil"-album was sceduled already for May the same year. So in the beginning of that month, the guys once again entered "Gain production"´s studio.Once the recording was done, it was again time to visit Mr. Karmila in "Finnvox" and as usual, he did a great job so the "Prophet..."-album was released in August -01. Less than a year after the debut.The new album received quite good reviews, eventhough they were not excellent...

But despite this fact, the guys finally got the opportunity to hit the roads for the first time for a major european tour as an opener for their labelmates Edguy. The only problem was that Jesse at this point of time, due to personal reasons, decided to leave the band. So a new drummer once again had to be recruited. Thomas came up with an idea of a friend of his that might be worth testing. This guy was Esko Salow and he, already from the start, made a tremendously stong impression on the rest of the band, so after the gig in Wacken, he was also a permanent member of the band. The tour lasted from the 2nd of November to the 8th of December and was a huge succes for all the parties involved. The ticketsales and the reactions of the audience was way much better than anyone dared to hope for before it started.

Since things, to this point, had gone quite fast (2 albums released in just 12 months) the guys felt a bit worried when the tour started since they almost didn´t have any new ideas for the future. But propably because of the very inspiring atmosphere, with the reactions of the fans during the gigs, the creativity was on top when they returned back home so in less than 2 months, enough material for a 3rd album was written. So in February -02, the guys once again hit the rehearsing room to prepare and arrange the new material.

The recording of what was going to be "The third prophecy"-album started in the summertime -02. This time, the guys decided to use a different studio than on the previous albums. First of all to get some new impressions, but also since the new materiel was a bit different, quite much more raw and heavy, than the previous ones. The recording was made in the KEG-house studio, situated on one of the islands outside Gothenburg, almost "at home" for Freddy and Jake. It was done in a very harmonic atmosphere and most of the time was used finding the right feeling in the recordings, something the guys didn´t put that much attention to on the previous albums when the main goal was to make tecnically perfect performances on each instrument. The result, however, was something quite extraordinary.

In September, the album was mixed, not in Finnvox this time, but in Studio Fredman in Gothenburg by Fredrik Nordström. The main reason was to acheive a little bit "rawer" sound, more a la "Heavy-metal" compared to the ordinary "perfect, but a bit soft"-sound that´s quite common in the Power-metal scene today. Of course, Fredrik sure didn´t disappoint anyone.

Since Nostradameus had some really nice experiences from the european tour with Edguy, the longing for another tour to promote the new album now grew stronger every day, and in the late autumn -02 the guys finally got the confirmation for another journey across Europe. This time together with HammerFall and their labelmates Masterplan... Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.