Афонина Татьяна фотограф Москва

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Посмотреть портфолио

Тексты песен Sonata Arctica

Sonata Arctica - ...Of Silence
7 дня назад 410,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - 8th Commandment
20 дня назад 272,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - Blank File
20 дня назад 313,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - Broken
20 дня назад 423,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - Destruction Preventer
20 дня назад 291,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - Draw Me
2 дня назад 389,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - Fade to Black
4 дня назад 477,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - False News Travel Fast
20 дня назад 270,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - FullMoon (Edit)
20 дня назад 379,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - Fullmoon
20 дня назад 367,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - Gravenimage
7 дня назад 417,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - Kingdom For A Heart
16 дня назад 268,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - Last Drop Falls
3 дня назад 335,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - Letter To Dana (Live)
17 дня назад 361,00 (не задано)
Sonata Arctica - My Land
20 дня назад 210,00 (не задано)

Информация о артисте

Группа Sonata Arctica образовалась в 1995 году на краю мира, в северном городе Кеми, Финляндия. Если вы посмотрите на карту Финляндии, то найдёте город Кеми на севере Ботнического залива, что на 100 км южнее северного полярного круга.

Её участники, по их собственному признанию, играли музыку, далёкую от хеви-метала. Первое демо Tricky Beans (именно так группа тогда называлась) было выпущено летом 1996-го, а песня "Blackout" попала в Top 40 в программе Radiomafia Hitsong. Дважды ребята участвовали в шоу Jyrki Sahkosirkus. Второе демо "Agre Pampers" было выпущено зимой 1997 года. В марте они прошли 'кассетный' этап соревнования Rock-97, однако дальше не пошло... В этом же месяце они выпустили очередное демо "PeaceMaker', летом было затишье, а осенью группу поразил кризис и оригинального басиста Pentti Peura попросили передать бас-гитару Marko Paasikoski, который до этого был вторым гитаристом. В ходе этих событий они решили отказаться от старого названия и заменить его на Tricky Means. 1998 год не стал историческим для группы. Marko утратил энтузиазм продолжать карьеру басиста, он решил выйти из игры, и новый бас-гитарист, Janne Kivilahti, пришёл в группу в ноябре.

Поворотный момент наступил, когда четвёрка в лице Тони Какко (вокал, клавишные), Яни Лииматайнен (гитара), Томми Портимо (ударные) и Янне Кивилахти (бас) собрались записывать своё очередное демо на песню "FullMoon". Тогда-то и родился фирменный стиль группы: стремительные гитарные партии, неоклассические соло, сочетающиеся с чистым вокалом Тони Какко и очень сильной клавишной секцией. Судьбе было угодно, чтобы это демо при посредничестве Ахти Кортелайнена из звукозаписывающей Tico Tico Studio попало на ведущий 'металлический' лейбл Финляндии Spinefarm Records. Предвестником дебютного альбома "Ecliptica" стал сингл "UnOpened", а одноимённая композиция с него попала в сборник Metalliliitto-99. Первоначально диск был выпущен только в Финляндии, за которой вскоре последовали другие страны. Конечно, не все шло гладко. Во время первого микширования сингла трек "UnOpened" был случайно замедлен. Ошибка была обнаружена вскоре после того, как первую партию дисков отправили в музыкальные магазины. Впоследствии скорость восстановили. Приблизительно 200 копий с того первого тиража были проданы и теперь считаются редкими коллекционными экземплярами.

Успех "Ecliptica" открыл Сонате двери для участия в записи двух трибьютов - "I Want Out" для хэллоуиновского "Keepers of Jericho" и "Still Loving You" для скорповского "A Tribute to the Scorpions. Вскоре Тони Какко решил сосредоточить больше внимания на пении взамен попыток одновременно петь и играть на клавишах. В группу приходит Микко Харкин (ex-Kenziner), что подарило Сонате редкую возможность, имея двух клавишников, дать большую свободу фронтмену и тем самым привнести больше энергетики в живые выступления. Группа стремительно набирала известность в конце 1999-2000 гг., и неудивительно, что именно Sonata Arctica была выбрана для поддержки европейского тура Stratovarius и Rhapsody, обойдя 32 группы от 15 различных рекорд-компаний. Грандиозный двухмесячный тур, стартовавший в апреле 2000 года, поднял молодых музыкантов на небывалую высоту.

За туром последовал релиз мини-альбома "Successor", в который вошли несколько концертных вещей, два трека, записанных для трибьютов и две ранее неиздававшиеся композиции. А сразу после выхода "Successor" по личным причинам группу покинул Янне Кивилахти. Замена пришла в лице Марко Паасикоски, который значился ещё в числе основателей Tricky Beans. Год 2000 принёс, кроме всего прочего, признание музыкальной прессы. Sonata Arctica была включена в список кандидатов на получение премии Emma в Финляндии в номинации "Лучшая новая группа". Весной 2001 г. Соната открывала два коцерта Alice Cooper, Dio и Ratt (в Оулу и Хельсинки) в рамках турне 'Монстры тысячелетия - 2001' ('Monsters of the Millennium 2001').

В период с осени 2000 по зиму 2001 года группа работает над своим вторым альбом. Все песни на этом альбоме снова написаны Tony Kakko. Песня "Wolf & Raven" была выпущена в виде сингла в мае 2001 года, на неё был снят видеоклип. Сначала альбом вышел в Японии, и только после этого в остальных странах. Это было выражением благодарности многочисленным японским фэнам коллектива. Первый альбом "Ecliptica" был продан в Японии тиражом, превышающим 30 000 копий. Группа также сыграла в Японии свои первые 4 концерта турне в поддержку нового альбома "Silence". Итогом гастролей группы в стране восходящего солнца стал концертный альбом "Songs of Silence - Live in Tokyo".

2002 год в творчестве группы был отмечен появлением ещё на одном трибьюте. "Арктики" записали "Die With Your Boots On" для трибьюта Iron Maiden "A Tribute to the Beast", а также сделали кавер на песню "The Wind Beneath My Wings", первоначально записанную Бетт Мидлер. В сентябре 2002 года по личным мотивам решение покинуть группу принял Микко Харкин. Клавишник Stratovarius Jens Johansson дал согласие принять участие в записи нового альбома Sonata Arctica, если они не успеют найти замену. Заменой в итоге стал Хенрик Клингенберг (Silent Voices, Requiem), который, впрочем, не успел принять участия в записи последнего альбома, поэтому в четырёх свежих вещах можно слышать клавишные партии в исполнении знаменитого шведа. Но как бы там ни было, 17 февраля 2003 года вышел в свет сингл "Victoria's Secret", а ровно через месяц - новый альбом под названием "Winterheart's Guild".

Март 2004 года ознаменовался радостным для группы немузыкальным событием. Барабанщик Томми, самый молодой участник Сонаты, первым из всей группы стал отцом. У него родилась девочка. C релизом "Winterheart's Guild" закончился контракт, заключённый Sonata Arctica и Spinefarm Records. Подписав долгосрочное соглашение с немецким звукозаписывающим лейблом Nuclear Blast Records, осенью 2004-го группа выпускает свой четвёртый студийный альбом "Reckoning Night". В России издание пластинки взяла на себя компания Irond Ltd. Предшествующий альбому сингл "Don't Say a Word" в первую неделю после выхода занял лидирующую строчку в metal-чартах Финляндии. В Японии же он опередил всех в чартах иностранной музыки.

Менее высоко взмыл вышедший в декабре 2004 года сингл "Shamandalie", в сингл-чартах Суоми этот сингл Sonata Arctica занял третью строчку. Ранее, в ноябре 2004 года команда получила необычайную новость: по количеству проданных копий "Silence" стал золотым. Таким образом, "Silence" стал самым продаваемым альбомом группы, продажи достигли заветной отметки в 15 000 копий! В ноябре публика Хельсинки в клубе Tavastia, который является самым известным рок-клубом Финляндии, стала свидетельницей того, как Sonata Arctica получила долгожданные золотые диски и поблагодарила группу, наверное, самыми долгими в истории Tavastia аплодисментами. Вечеринка в честь этого события стала первым выступлением группы, за которым последовали еще 18 концертов по всей Финляндии. Этот тур превзошел по количеству выступлений и зрителей все предыдущие. Завершающим стало выступление на недавно созданном Finnish Metal Expo в Kaapelitehdas в Хельсинки. После очень успешного японского тура Sonata Arctica побывала на девятнадцатом ежегодном вручении наград Emma (финский аналог Grammy), учрежденном Finnish Recording Industry Association (Финской ассоциацией звукозаписывающих компаний).

Следующим важным делом для группы должен был стать первый большой тур по Северной Америке, в котором группа выступала бы на разогреве у своих очень популярных соотечественников Nightwish, но хэдлайнерам внезапно пришлось отменить запланированный тур. Несмотря на эти события, Sonata Arctica все же выступила на восточном побережье. Небольшой тур включал девять концертов. Команда отдала северо-американским зрителям всё, что могла, и взбодренная теплым приемом как в Канаде, так и США, пообещала вернуться. Возвратившись из Северной Америки, Sonata Arctica отыграла в дюжине общеизвестных европейских фестивалей. Пора фестивалей закончилась в августе 2005 года и 24 числа японский лейбл Marquee/Avalon выпустил сборник "The End of This Chapter". Помимо всего прочего он включал ранее не издававшуюся инструментальную версию "Draw Me" с альбома "Winterheart's Guild". Первый ограниченный тираж сборника включал DVD с семью акустически исполненными песнями.

Sonata Arctica не стала отдыхать, и уже через некоторое время после релиза сборника была готова к следующему этапу своего европейского турне, включающего города на пути от Нидерландов до Италии и обратно. За ним последовал тур по Финляндии, скромно стартовавший 21 октября в Хельсинки на Hartwall Arena, которая является самой большой закрытой площадкой в стране. Sonata Arctica выступала на разогреве у Nightwish, которые записали свой следующий DVD. Месяц спустя после незабываемого вечера продолжился тур по Финляндии. В тот момент группа и менеджмент пришли к выводу, что необходимо стремиться к повышению качества выступлений, а не количества, в результате чего были сыграны всего 8 концертов в самых крупных рок-клубах Финляндии. Задумка оказалась удачной - во время всего тура от самого начала и до последней секунды площадки были переполнены зрителями, и счастливчики, заранее купившие билеты на шоу, клялись, что это были лучшие выступления из всех, сыгранных группой. Во второй половине декабря 2005 года снова произошло волшебное событие: третий альбом Sonata Arctica "Winterheart's Guild" был официально признан золотым, так как было распродано 15 000 копий, едва наступил 2006 год.

Раз и навсегда завоевать Финляндию и достигнуть сразу две цели, к которым многие стремятся всю жизнь, всего за месяц, было недостаточным для ребят, они также исполнили ранее данное обещание снова сыграть в Северной Америке. И в этот раз было не несколько выступлений, в этот раз всё было по-настоящему. Турне включало 29 концертов на 28 различных площадках - уже не как будто в витрине для целого североамериканского континента, это было исполнение обещания, данного своим преданным фанатам, оставшимся там после предыдущего неполноценного тура в 2005 году. Вскоре после "Winterheart's Guild" также и четвертый студийный альбом команды "Reckoning Night" достиг золотого статуса в Финляндии, в это время группа находилась в туре по Северной Америке. Стало известно, что по всему миру было продано 100 000 копий альбома - таким образом, он стал самым успешным альбомом группы. По завершении североамериканского турне Sonata Arctica продолжила выступления в поддержку своего нового концертного DVD "For the Sake of Revenge". Команда путешествовала вместе со своими земляками Altaria, с которыми ранее играл Jani.

К началу января 2007 группа активно работает над новым полновесным альбомом. Уже в середине января музыканты приступают к микшированию нового альбома в студии Finnvox (Хельсинки). Его выход предваряет сингл "Paid in Full", который через неделю после релиза находится уже на первой строчке финских сингл-хит-парадов. Сам альбом, названный "Unia" ("Мечты"), сразу же после выхода вызвал бурю откликов, шквал эмоций, массу здоровой и не очень здоровой критики. Некоторые поклонники возводили новое творение на вершину совершенства, кто-то, напротив - видел в нём кризис идей и дисгармонию, одни нашли альбом серьёзным и увидели в Тони зрелого и трагического музыканта, другие считали новую работу далеко не самой лучшей в карьере группы. Буквально сразу же после записи альбома группу на время (а как выяснилось позже - навсегда) покинул гитарист Яни Лииматайнен. Причиной ухода стало отбывание его в армию (обязанность каждого гражданина Финляндии, которую он по выбору проходит раз в жизни; Яни выбрал армию). Ряд концертов Sonata Arctica проводит с очень талантливым финским гитаристом Элиасом Вильяненом.


Студийные альбомы:

1999 - Ecliptica
2001 - Silence
2003 - Winterheart's Guild
2004 - Reckoning Night
2007 - Unia
2009 - The Days of Grays
2012 - Stones Grow Her Name
2014 - Pariah's Child


2000 - Successor
2001 - Orientation
2003 - Takatalvi
2004 - Don't Say A Word

Концертные альбомы:

2002 - Songs of Silence: Live in Tokyo
2006 - For The Sake Of Revenge
2011 - Live In Finland


2005 - The End of This Chapter
2006 - The Collection 1999-2006


Текущий состав:

Тони Какко (фин. Tony Kakko) — вокал, клавишные (1996—наши дни)
Элиас Вилъянен (фин. Elias Viljanen) — гитара (2007—наши дни)
Хенрик Клингенберг (фин. Henrik Klingenberg) — клавишные (2003—наши дни)
Паси Кауппинен (фин. Pasi Kauppinen) — бас-гитара (2013—наши дни)
Томми Портимо (фин. Tommy Portimo) — ударные (1995—наши дни)

Бывшие участники:

Яни Лийматайнен (фин. Jani Liimatainen) — гитара (1995—2007)
Марко Паасикоски (фин. Marko Paasikoski) — бас-гитара (2000—2013), гитара (1995—1997)
Пентти Пеура (фин. Pentti Peura) — бас-гитара (1995—1998)
Янне Кивилахти (фин. Janne Kivilahti) — бас-гитара (1998—2000)
Микко Хяркин (фин. Mikko Härkin) — клавишные (2000—2002) Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
Sonata Arctica was formed in 1996 on the edge of the world, in the northern Finnish town of Kemi.

Originally formed as Tricky Beans, they released few demos and as they got the contract they had to change their name.
In 1999 the band recorded a new demo "FullMoon" in Tico Tico Studios located in their hometown, Kemi. At the time of recording the line-up consisted of: Tony (vocals/keys), Jani (guitars), Tommy (drums), and Janne (bass). This new demo was the first exploration for the band in heavy metal waters. The band's trademark sound of fast, melodic and keyboard oriented heavy metal with clear, high vocals was born. As fate would have it, and with help from Ahti Kortelainen of Tico Tico Studios, the "FullMoon" demo found its way to the premier metal label of Finland, Spinefarm. At the same time Tricky Beans became Sonata Arctica.

Summer of 1999 brought us the first single from Sonata Arctica, "UnOpened". The title song was instantaneously included in the Metalliliitto 1999 compilation CD. Two tracks from the single, UnOpened and Mary-Lou marked the arrival of SA to the power metal community. During the first mix/pressing of the UnOpened single, Track 1, UnOpened, was unintentionally slowed down. The mistake was discovered shortly after the first batch of discs was sent to music stores. The entire first pressing was recalled. Approximately 200 copies from that first run were sold and are now considered rare collectors items.

Autumn of 1999 marked the release of the very first full-length album, "Ecliptica". Initially released in Finland, other countries quickly followed. Widely successful, Ecliptica opened doors for Sonata Arctica to participate in two tribute records. 'I Want Out' for a Helloween tribute album "Keepers of Jericho" and 'Still Loving You' for a Scorpions tribute, "A Tribute to the Scorpions". Both were covers of originals.

Soon after the release of Ecliptica, the band's keyboardist, Tony Kakko, decided to concentrate more on singing, as opposed to trying to sing and play keyboards at the same time. Mikko Härkin (ex-Kenziner) joined the band to relieve Tony from keys and to allow the frontman to roam the stage. It introduced a new capability for Sonata Arctica - to have two keyboard players play simultaneously.

Their rise to fame continued through the end of 1999 and beginning of 2000. Soon after the release of Ecliptica, Sonata Arctica was chosen as the support band for Stratovarius' European Tour, beating over 32 other bands from 15 different record companies. The tour started in April of 2000 with Stratovarius and Rhapsody on the road. It lasted for two months, during which Sonata played over 30 gigs in 10 countries, traveling thousands of kilometres.

This successful tour was followed by the release of the new mini-CD Successor. This new disc included two previously unreleased tracks, two cover tracks for upcoming tribute albums, some live tracks from Provinssi Rock and one edited track from Ecliptica.

In a small line-up change, Janne Kivilahti made a decision to part with the band due to personal reasons. Janne's last gig took place in Kemi on 30th June in the summer of 2000. Janne was replaced by Marko Paasikoski, who happened to be one of the founding members of Tricky Beans.

Year 2000 brought not only a big tour, new mini-CD, and a small line-up change, but also media recognition. Sonata was chosen as a candidate for "the best new-comer band" by the Finnish Recording Industry Association in their annual Awards Gala, Emma. The new millennium is also treating the Sonata beans well. In the spring of 2001 Sonata Arctica opened two gigs for Alice Cooper, Dio and Ratt (in Oulu and Helsinki) in Monsters of the Millennium 2001 tour.

The band worked on the second full-length album from autumn of 2000 through the winter of 2001. Again, all the songs were composed by the band's vocalist Tony Kakko. The first single from the album, "Wolf & Raven", was released in May '01. The album was scheduled for an initial release in Japan in June, other territories following shortly after.

The band also played its first four concerts in Japan in September 2001.

The latter half of 2001 was very busy for the band. In July, a Finnish tour kicked off along with separate gigs (including Wacken Open Air in Germany) in Europe. Then the band headed towards Japan in September. After the Japanese tour, Sonata Arctica toured Europe as a support act for the band Gamma Ray along with Vanishing Point as special guests. During the 5 weeks on the road, the band played in a total of 12 countries with 28 shows. The tour ended with a show in Helsinki, Finland to the delight of the Finnish fans in November. While touring, the second single from the album Silence, "Last Drop Falls", was released. The song got aired in the domestic radio stations, gathering even more popularity for the band.
Three weeks after the European tour, it was time for the second leg of the Finnish tour. Thirteen gigs were played across Finland. They then played four shows in Brazil and two more in Chile.

The next release was the live album "Songs Of Silence". It was recorded in Tokyo, September 4th, 2001.
The European and Asian editions had completely different artwork, both made by Janne "ToxicAngel" Pitkänen who also became the exclusive artist for the following Sonata Arctica releases. The Asian version was released in March while the other parts of the world got their live album in July/August.

After the last show of the Silence tour, Jörisrock 2002, Mikko Härkin decided to leave the band due to personal reasons. The band announced their search for the new keyboard player and got a huge amount of applications from all around the world. Two of the candidates, both well-known and highly skillful keyboardists from Finland, were asked to travel to Kemi for the audition. Since the capabilities of the players were already known among the band, the choosing of the new member was a bit extraordinary - the band wanted a player who could fit not only musically but also mentally to the band, so they dragged the applicants one-by-one to the bar. After spending a night in a bar with the candidates, the band voted for Henrik Klingenberg. Henrik had been playing in various metal bands like Silent Voices and Requiem about a decade or so.
The third studio, album entitled "Winterheart's Guild", was recorded in the meantime, without the new keyboard player. A fellow mate of the band, Jens Johansson of Stratovarius, offered his helping hand and the band naturally was really pleased to get a world class keyboard player as a guest for their new album. Jens played solos for four songs while Tony handled most of the keyboard duties.
Henrik's first appearance with Sonata Arctica was held on February 21st, 2003 in Tornio.
The second show with the new line-up was held at the Tavastia club.

In Japan, Winterheart's Guild was released soon afterwards. The band hit the road and traveled to Japan and played eight sold-out gigs there.

The first single of Winterheart's Guild was "Victoria's Secret". During the first week, the single hit #2 position on the official Finnish charts. The first position was taken over by Darude's new single which was released at the same time. During the next two weeks, Victoria's Secret seized the first position. Though the previous single "Last Drop Falls" was a hit in Finland, it never rose higher than #3 on the charts during its four months on them.

The domestic success continued after Winterheart's Guild was released in Finland. During its debutant week it peaked at #3. The album stayed five weeks on the top 10. After an album release, they started on the first leg of the Finnish tour. Eight successive shows in Finland were followed by four more in France. The festival season was opened with Sweden Rock Festival (along with artists like Queensrÿche, Yes, Kamelot, Whitesnake etc.), continued with e.g. Nummirock and the huge Sziget Festival in Hungary and ended with the Wacken Open Air. The summer ended with the second leg of the Finnish tour. During this time, 14,000 Finnish people had bought their copy of Winterheart's Guild.

Two more releases were made during the latter half of 2003. The Finnish people got "Broken", which included two previously unreleased bonus tracks. The tracks were recorded over a year earlier though, with Mikko still in the band. Japanese fans got themselves an EP called "Takatalvi". The EP was mostly a re-release of the already sold-out Successor EP with some additional material and without the live tracks.

Because the previous recording deal with Spinefarm Records had completed with Winterheart's Guild, the band was marketing for a new deal. Record companies were asking Sonata Arctica to be signed. After negotiations, Sonata Arctica were signed to Nuclear Blast.

In the beginning of 2004, Sonata Arctica was chosen as a warm-up band for the Japanese tour dates of Iron Maiden. After the Japanese gigs in February, the band came back to Finland just to find out they were one of the nominees for the annual Emma Award in the category "the best hard rock / metal album". The other nominees were Children Of Bodom, HIM and Kotiteollisuus who also won the award.

March 2004 revealed two news-bits for Sonata Arctica. First of all, Tommy became the father of a newborn baby girl. The band also entered Tico Tico Studios in Kemi for the recording of their fourth studio album.
This time the recording session featured also Henrik who added fresh spices to the soup, later on called "Reckoning Night". After over three months of work, the recordings were finally completed. The album was mixed and mastered in Finnvox Studios. The release dates were fixed to the beginning of October.

During the summer in 2004, the band played in many festivals. Finland's\ metal festival, Tuska Open Air, was played in by Sonata Arctica in July. German fans got an additional bit of fame since Sonata Arctica played their first single from the forthcoming album, "Don't Say A Word", for the first time ever at the Summer Breeze festival. And finally, the band played in the United Kingdom when they debuted at Bloodstock Festival.

Don't Say A Word (single) was released on August 23rd solely in Finland. Immediately after the release, the single hit the first position on the official charts. The next week the single attached the second position, following only Children Of Bodom's new single. A week after that, the EP version of Don't Say A Word peaked at the fourth position and dropped the single to the fifth position - so, during one week, Sonata Arctica made history and had two releases on the top five in the official charts!
The single version kept its second place for the next weeks, in total spending six weeks in the top ten with the lowest position of 6th.

The EP was also released in Japan on September 22nd. Slightly after the EP, the Japanese people got the pole position once again for getting the new Sonata Arctica album a week prior to the European release. In Finland the album peaked at second position for the first two weeks with only Rammstein selling more copies. Finland wasn't the only country where Reckoning Night entered the charts. In Germany the position was 77th, in Switzerland 85th and in Norway 69th.

A headline tour was supposed to follow the release of Reckoning Night, but the band got an once-in-a-lifetime invitation from Nightwish to join their European tour as a special guest. The band opted in - Sonata Arctica toured Europe with Nightwish in arenas with capacities up to 12 000 people! During the tour band also played a handful of headliner shows over Europe.

In October 2004, the band received extraordinary news: they'd exceeded the Gold record sales mark with Silence. Silence had become eventually the most sold album of the band reaching the magical limit of 15,000 copies! Despite some releases being really close to reaching the gold disc plateau, Silence was the first release in the history of Sonata Arctica to reach gold disc status. In November the sold-out audience of Helsinki, Tavastia club - the most famous rock club in Finland - witnessed Sonata Arctica receiving the long-awaited gold discs and thanked the band by applauding with probably the longest applause in the history of the club.

The gold disc party that started the whole Finnish tour was just the beginning - the following eighteen shows all around Finland exceeded all the earlier domestic tours by the number of shows and by the size of audience. The final gig of the tour was at the newly-formed Finnish Metal Expo at Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki. From the beginning of the day the once again sold-out audience was eagerly awaiting Sonata Arctica to play, though the band was booked as the headliner and the last act of the whole-weekend expo! After midnight the audience finally received what it was been waiting for the whole weekend, and the entire hall virtually exploded.

The ending show of the Finnish tour was not only performed in front of the sold-out huge audience of the metal expo, but also a good practice for the band for the forthcoming Japanese tour. Sonata Arctica played for the first time ever the same set the Japanese fans were going to receive during the exclusive Japanese tour - and what eventually became inevitable, the same set which would be later on released as their first DVD "For The Sake Of Revenge", recorded in Tokyo on February 4th and 5th, 2005.

After the highly successful Japanese tour Sonata Arctica made a one-off Finnish gig at the 19th annual Emma (the Finnish Grammy) awards gala of the Finnish Recording Industry Association. If a metal band playing in a pop awards concert is a rarity, another rarity was Sonata Arctica performing only one song during the whole night: their first single from Reckoning Night, Don't Say A Word.

The next big thing was going to be a long tour supporting their highly successful countrymen Nightwish, once again, during their first major North American tour, but the headliners were suddenly forced to cancel the tour.

Despite this Sonata was invited to play a short tour of nine shows on the east coast. The band gave everything they had for the North American audiences and promised to come back as soon as possible encouraged by the heart warming welcome they received both in USA and Canada.

After the North American trip Sonata Arctica played a dozen of well-received festival appearances in Europe. The size of the venues was everything between the small Hullun Mylly at their hometown Kemi to the gigantic Sweden Rock Festival and the legendary Wacken Open Air.

The festival season ended in August, and on August 24th the Japanese label Marquee/Avalon released the compilation album "The End Of This Chapter". The compilation included one previously unreleased version, an instrumental edition of "Draw Me" from the "Winterheart's Guild" album. The first limited edition of the compilation was equipped with a DVD including seven acoustic songs. The compilation is still TBA for the European and American release.

Sonata Arctica didn't rest in silence, since just a small fraction of time after the release of the compilation album they were ready for the next leg of their European tour traveling all the way from the Netherlands to Italy and back. The following Finnish tour started modestly in October 21st at the Hartwall Arena, Helsinki - the biggest indoor venue in the whole country! Sonata Arctica opened for Nightwish who recorded their forthcoming actual DVD release and also dismissed their lead singer Tarja Turunen during the same night.

The domestic tour advanced about a month after the forever-unforgettable night. This time the band and the management decided to go for the capacity and the quality instead of the quantity - the result leading to only eight concerts, arranged in the biggest rock clubs and venues in Finland. The gamble was successful: the venues were packed with people from the very beginning to the final second of the tour, and the lucky ones getting their tickets early enough swore to have witnessed definitely the best shows of Sonata Arctica, ever.

The latter half of December 2005 proved once again the magic of Sonata Arctica: their third album "Winterheart's Guild" was confirmed to receive the awaited gold disc status in Finland, selling over 15,000 copies, slightly before the year turning to 2006.

Conquering Finland once and for all and reaching two once-in-a-lifetime goals during one month was not enough for the band, but they also fulfilled their earlier promise to play in the North America again - and this time it was not only few shows here and there, this time it was for real. The tour included 29 shows at 28 different venues, and it wasn't only a showcase for the whole American continent, but also a promise filled for their loyal fans left behind from the previous crippled tour in 2005.

Shortly after "Winterheart's Guild" also the 4th studio album "Reckoning Night" was certified with gold disc status in Finland while the band was still touring in the North America in February 2006. The album was also confirmed to have 100,000 sold copies worldwide - thus being the most successful Sonata Arctica album ever.

After finishing the North American tour in February Sonata Arctica soon continued by touring in Europe to promote their forthcoming live DVD "For The Sake Of Revenge". The band hit the road again in April with their fellow countrymen Altaria - with whom Jani used to play earlier! - and with the German-based hard rock legend Doro. After the tour finished, Sonata Arctica opted for only six summer festival appearances, all of them in Finland. The worldwide Reckoning Night tour lasted two years in the end and it was brilliantly finished with an exclusive appearance in the self-arranged and self-titled Sonata Arctica Open Air festival in Kemi, the hometown of the band.

After their last live appearance in 2006 the band retreated from publicity and began to prepare material for their fifth studio album. The band also received yet another gold disc award, this time from their first-ever live DVD "For The Sake Of Revenge". The DVD not only achieved gold disc status, but it also ended up in the top 10 of the best-selling DVDs in Finland that year - all this, when the album had been for sale mere a few months!

While the band was working hard in different studios recording their fifth studio album "Unia" - Finnish for "Dreams" -, Finnish press announced an official Sonata Arctica documentary being in production. The documentary film will follow Sonata Arctica in their hometown Kemi and also show how a Sonata Arctica song is being formed from the scratch to the very end of the creative process. The documentary will have its first public appearance during the annual music video festival of Oulu in September 2007. Meanwhile the documentary isn't the only non-musical work related to Sonata Arctica, since an official Sonata Arctica 3d role playing game for PC, called "Winterheart's Guild", is in the works.

The fifth studio album of Sonata Arctica is called "Unia". The album was released in May 2007. Before the release of the album a single entitled "Paid In Full" was released in Finland, Germany and Japan. The single featured also a cover version of "Out In The Fields", a legendary song originally performed by Gary Moore and Phil Lynott. The single hit the #1 position in the official Finnish charts, stuck to second place the following week and stayed in the national top ten until "Unia" was released a month later!

During the same week the new single was released the band played four gigs in the biggest rock clubs of Finland. The sizes of the venues varied from 700 to 2,300 people, and each night was sold out. The fans witnessed not one but three never-seen-before events during one show: Not only the songs from "Unia" were performed live for the very first time, but also Sonata Arctica appeared on stage first time ever without its founding member Jani Liimatainen and thus it was also the first time ever the band performed with a temporary replacement guest musician. Each and every show during the over-a-decade-lasting career had been performed with the permanent line-up - until now. The guitarist Jani Liimatainen had to skip the four Finnish shows because of his civil duties for the Finnish government. Because of the length of the Finnish national duties, he was also forced to let the temping guitarist Elias Viljanen replace him temporarily during the summer festivals, the four Japanese shows and the North American tour.

Sonata Arctica is confirmed to perform on a few selected festivals during the summer. In July the band travels to the Land of the rising Sun and the Japanese audience will be the first foreigners to hear the new songs from the "Unia" album performed live. After the festival season Sonata Arctica is ready for a four-show excursion to Mexico. These are the first Mexican shows ever! From Mexico the band continues to USA and Canada.

Europe has been left quite a while without the magic of Sonata Arctica. However, in the end of October this will change when Sonata Arctica begins its massive headlining tour starting from Stockholm, Sweden. During the European tour the band plays in thirteen different countries with their support acts, the Netherlands-based Epica.

Sonata Arctica's "The Days of Grays" was released on September 16, 2009 in Finland, September 18 in Europe and September 22 in North America through Nuclear Blast records. The album also had an edition that contained a bonus disc, with orchestral versions of many of the album's songs.

With four gold disc awards and multiple sold-out tours Sonata Arctica has got its hands tightly attached to the history of Finnish metal music - and more will definitely be achieved in the future!

In January 2011, the band hinted in an online interview for Metaleater magazine that they are currently writing songs for a new album while on their current tour. Elias is quoted as saying, "I've been working on some new riffs, quite dark. Tony's been stuck in his bed scratching notes about some girl and her 'Luna Lust'." Tommy states later, "We've just got back from Cozumel, we had a good time, had lots of beers, loads more sun and thought about putting a bit more Queen stuff back into the music again."

While playing in Wolverhampton, Tony stated to the audience that they were in fact hoping to start recording the new album this autumn and have it available for purchase before summer 2012.

In April, the band recorded a live DVD in Oulu, Finland, entitled "Live in Finland", which was released on November 11, 2011 (11/11/11).

It was announced on February 20, 2012 through the official Sonata Arctica website that the new album entitled Stones Grow Her Name would be released on May 18 in Europe and May 22 in North America .

The Album's first single and video " I Have A Right" was released on April 18, the second single from the album, "Shitload of Money" was released on September 14.

The Stones Grow Her Name World Tour began in April with summer festivals until August. The band plans to spend the fall playing headline shows in Finland and then mainland Europe. Several shows have also been announced for North America in December.

In a June 2013 interview concerning Henrik Klingenberg's own band Silent Voices, Henrik confirmed Sonata Arctica would go into recording for their eighth studio album in September 2013. When pushed for more information, he assured jovially: "If it doesn't come out by next year, we're in big trouble!" Concerning the progress and style of this new album, he also mentioned "The bulk of the album, we already have the demos..." as well as "we want to focus on making songs that work live." During rehearsals, Henrik mentioned on his blog (although it's unclear whether he was being fully serious) that songs they were rehearsing for the new album seemed to hearken towards Sonata Arctica's earlier days. He also mentioned their plan to record a 10-minute track for the new album.

On August 26, 2013 the band officially announced on their Facebook page that Marko Paasikoski had left the band due to unresolvable issues with being part of a touring ensemble, and was replaced by bassist Pasi Kauppinen.

On January 9th, 2014, the band officially announced via their official website that the band's next studio album, Pariah's Child, will be released on March 28th, 2014.

Tony Kakko commented [14] on the style of the new album as well as its album artwork upon the release announcement:
“As the music on the album is bowing more towards the "old" Sonata, meaning more power metal style elements and wolves in many of the songs in one form or another, it was clear we need a wolf on the cover. An abandoned wolf. A pariah. Or Pariah's child, actually. The new generation to bring the old logo back.”

The band also announced a small tour of Europe in support of their 15th anniversary. The band confirmed a special Latin American tour during March 2014 as part of the 15th Anniversary Tour, starting in Mexico and continuing in Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay.

Current members

Tommy Portimo – drums (1995 -)
Tony Kakko – lead vocals (1996 -), keyboards (1996–2000, studio only: 2007 -)
Henrik Klingenberg – keyboards, keytar, backing vocals (2002 -)
Elias Viljanen – guitars, backing vocals (2007 -)
Pasi Kauppinen - bass (2013 -)

Former members

Marko Paasikoski – guitars (1995-1997), bass (2000-2013), backing vocals (1995-1997, 2000-2013)
Jani Liimatainen – guitars, backing vocals (1995-2007)
Pentti Peura – bass, backing vocals (1996-1998)
Janne Kivilahti – bass, backing vocals (1998-2000)
Mikko Härkin – keyboards, backing vocals (2000-2002)
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