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Тексты песен DJ Layla

DJ Layla - City Of Sleeping Hearts
12 дня назад 267,00 (не задано)
DJ Layla - Single Lady
12 дня назад 262,00 (не задано)
Dj Layla - City of Sleeping Heart
12 дня назад 250,00 (не задано)
DJ Layla - City Of Sleeping Hearts
12 дня назад 127,00 (не задано)
DJ Layla - Butterfly
12 дня назад 284,00 (не задано)
DJ Layla - I'm Your Angel (feat. Sianna)
12 дня назад 276,00 (не задано)

Информация о артисте

DJ Layla(Bucharest/ Romania)
DJ Лайлa родилась 11 июля 1987 года в Кишиневе. У нее юридическое образование (специализация гражданско-правовая ответственность). Но страсть к музыке оказалась сильнее. Музыкально-профессиональная история Лайлы берет свое начало с 2005 года, а в течените 2007-2008 DJ Layla успела побывать участницей множества проектов, и на сегодняшний день она позиционируется как румынский диджей.

J Layla transmite stari, reuseste sa-si duca publicul intr-o atmosfera noua, interesanta, incitanta, uneste culturi diferite, mentalitati diferite, transpune ideile muzicale intr-o alta realitate in care ascultatorii se regasesc. Muzica ei are intr-adevar impact si creaza reactii.

Natalia Ostasina cunoscuta ca DJ Layla s-a nascut pe 11 iulie 1987 in orasul Chisinau. O mare parte a copilariei si-a petrecut-o in Ucraina. In anul 2005, dupa absolvirea liceului, intra la Facultatea de Drept din cadrul Universitatii de Stat din Republica Moldova, specializandu-se in Drept Civil.

In primii ani de facultate, frumoasa blonda reuseste sa transforme pasiunea ei pentru muzica in ceva mult mai palpabil, astfel incat in 2007 incepe sa mixeze cu ajutorul si sustinerea celor de la “Sunset People” si mai ales a DJ-lor : Maxwell Sunbeat & Kristina Vixen in RED CLUB.

Natalia imbina perfect doua pasiuni atat de diferite - dreptul si muzica – dedicandu-se lor in intregime si se implica in nenumarate proiecte din cele mai mari cluburi din Ucraina si Moldova.

Anul 2007 reprezinta pentru Natalia inceputul unei colaborari, care se dovedeste a fi de succes, cu inca doua DJ-ite. Proiectul reuseste sa ia o mare amploare intr-un timp foarte de scurt, fetele fiind foarte solicitate in toate cluburile datorita talentului, determinarii, pasiunii de care dau dovada. ‘’Ladies on fire” a reprezentat singurul proiect in care sunt implicate 3 fete DJ printre care si DJ Layla.

A urmat un an plin de concerte si petreceri, iar rezultatele muncii lor constante nu au intarziat sa apara. La inceputul anului 2008 DJ Layla impreuna cu o alta DJ-ita din cadrul “Ladies on fire” sunt invitate de catre unul dintre organizatorii festivalului “Evolution Party” sa participe in deschidere alaturi de artisti de renume mondial precum: Yves Larock ( Jaba), Fragma, Lexter, Michelle Shellers.

Pe parcursul anilor 2007-2008 DJ Layla isi aduce aportul insemnat in cadrul unor proiecte precum „Deep Love”, „Ladies on fire”, „2×4”, „Mixtura tour”, „Vibrations”.

Octombrie 2008 marcheza inceputul colaborarii ei cu o echipa de producatori din Romania pentru primul sau album. La propunerea acestora DJ Layla inregistreaza si prima sa piesa „Single Lady” in colaborare cu o tanara interpreta - Alissa. Piesa este lansata la sfarsitul anului 2008 si urca rapid in principalele topuri ale celor mai mari radiouri din Romania si Moldova.

In luna ianuarie 2009 DJ Layla semneaza cu una din cele mai mari case de discuri din Romania, devenind astfel artista Cat Music.

Natalia este o tanara frumoasa si carismatica, indragostita de muzica, talentata, care reuseste sa interactioneze cu adevarat prin muzica si personalitate cu cei care o asculta. Astfel creaza o dependenta constructiva care trezeste reale sentimente. Iata ca DJ Layla ne aduce prin stilul sau unic, molipsitor, una dintre cele mai bune piese la ora actuala de pe piata muzicala din Romania. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
Natalia Ostasina known as Dj Layla was born on July 11, 1987 in Chisinau city. She spent a big part of her childhood in Ukraine. In 2005, after she graduated highschool, she entered the university of law from State University in Moldova Republic.

During her first years spent in the university the beautiful blonde succeeds to transform her passion for music in something real, so in 2007 she started to mix with the help and support of those from “Sunset People” and specially with the help of Dj Maxwell Sunbeat & Dj Kristina Vixen in Red Club.

Natalia combines perfectly her two passions completely different – the law and music – being dedicated entirely to them and she started to get involved in many projects for the best clubs from Ukraine and Moldova.

The year 2007 represented for Natalia the start of a collaboration, which proves to be successful with another 2 girls djs. The project succeed to reach vast proportions in short time, the girls being requested in all clubs thanks to their talent and their passion for music. ‘’Ladies on fire” represented the only project in which the 3 girls djs were involved, one of them was Dj Layla.

Then followed a year full of concerts and parties, so the results of their constant work started to appear. At the beginning of the 2008, Dj Layla together with another Dj from “Ladies on fire” project were invited by one of the managers of “Evolution Party” festival to participate in the opening of the festival with another global famous artists like Yves Larock (Jaba), Fragma, Lexter, Michelle Shellers.
During 2007-2008, Dj Layla sign her contribution on projects like „Deep Love”, „Ladies on fire”, „2×4”, „Mixtura tour”, „Vibrations”.

October 2008 marks the start of her collaboration with a producer team from Romania for her first album. At the producers proposal, Dj Layla recorded her first song, “Single Lady” in collaboration with a young singer, Alyssa. The song is released in the end of 2008 and conquered in a short time the most important tops from the most important radio stations from Romania and Moldova.
In January 2009, Dj Layla signs a contract with one of the best record labels from Romania, becoming an artist of Cat Music.

Translated from Romanian into English from Dj Layla’s blog.
Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.