Текст песни Agathodaimon - Banner Of Blasphemy (stindardul Blasfemi
Agathodaimon - Banner Of Blasphemy (stindardul Blasfemi слова песни
Trei cruci de lemn, trei cruci enorme de lemnVopsite cu trei culori, pzesc pe marginea soseleiFntna celor... crediciosi!Trei cruci pe marginea soseleicu gesturi largi de mini bolnaveOpresc din drum pe cltorisi parc-s trei spnzurtoriDe care atrn trei crisosi...ntr-o zi mpinsi de-acelasi funerar ndemnCa dou-armate puse una-n fata alteiaCumintii se-ntlnir cu nebuniiCopiii mortilor de mine se-ntlnir cu printii..."Se-armatele-ncepur lupta la umbra crucilor de lemnDeoparte flutura stindardul credintei... alb... curat..."..ca albul cel curat, al florilor de nufrIar tricolorul nebuniei, nchis cu grij-n cte-in cufrDe craniu omenesc...Sta gata s se desfsoare la cea dinti ngenuncheareA albului domnesc...ns-n ziu-aceea cerul nnegrit de fum preaUn tavan de catedral ce se nruia"Iar fumul din clopotnitele-aprinse deschidea-n albastrul:"Drumul altui fum, mai greu, mei negru si-albastrulse-nnegrea...Si-n ziu-aceea cerul nnegrit de fum preaUn tavan de catedral ce se nruiaSi multimea-nspimntat, spre clopotnitele-aprinseSe-ndrumeaz grupuri, grupuri, cei cuminti privesc plngndPlng ca resturil unei armate-nvinse, iar nebunul st deoparteSi zmbeste ... fredonnd:Blasfemiei!"Iar tricolorul nebuniei adpostea pe-nvingtori!"TRANSLATION:"Banner Of Blasphemy"Three wooden crosses - Three huge crosses of woodPainted with three colors - On the margin of the roadGuarding the fountain of the believersThree crosses on the margin of the roadWith gestures made by morbid handsThey hinder wanderers whilst passingLike three gallows on holy landsWhere three cristians are hanging...Inclined by a funeral stirOn a fatal sky, so blurLike two armies enticed to warThe mad have fallen upon the braveThe children of morrows deadTheir parents had metIn the shade of the wooden crossesThe armies began their battleAside... the banner of creedance flatteredWhite and cleanLike the cleanest white men have seenAnd the blasphemic flag of madnessSafely embedded in each humen skullWas ready to unfold at the firstSubjugation of the royal whiteOn the same day, blackened by fumesThe heavens seem to be the ceilingOf a collapsing cathedral, bleedingAnd the fumes of the burning steeplesOpened in the celestial blueThe way of another fumeBlacker, heavier, and the blueHas become black, tooSo the horrified peopleHasten to the burning steeplesThe brave behold whilst cryingLike the remnants of a defeated armyAnd the madmen stay asideGrinning and humming: BlasphemyAnd the tricolor of madness was shelteringThe conquerors!