Текст песни Peroxide Mocha - Kittysquish
Peroxide Mocha - Kittysquish слова песни
People who use the word literally wrong.Like my junior year history teacher. He alwayssaid stupid stuff like "the world literally turnedupside down" and I wanted to stand up in classand scream HOW THE HELL DID THATHAPPEN?? You`d need a big fucking crane toturn the world literally upside down!! Or he`dsay their head literally exploded with rage. WowI`d like to see that someday at the mall. Do people just not understand how thisword is meant? Literally, it means they literallydid it as in it actually happened. Real, notfigurative. I think he meant figuratively. I wantedto stand up and literally shake his little head off. Kinda like a squishy banana. Squishybananas really suck. I would always get excitedwhen my mom would make me a lunch and I`ddiscover the bananas were squishy. I didn`t wantto eat that. Gross. Especially if it`s squished allover my sandwich. That`s nasty. That literallygrossed me out. And sometimes when I`d takethese squishy bananas home to throw them in thetrash I`d discover the cat had knocked over the trashand threw it everywhere and then the dogs wouldget into the pantyliners and chew them up and throwthem in with the clean laundry. And I had to spank mycat because he`s a bad kitty. Bad kitty, bad! You areliterally a bad, bad kitty. That`s what I`d say `cause Iknow how to use the word literally correctly.